Do you want to learn how to say beautiful in French in less than ten minutes?
The French language has various ways to describe someone or anything beautiful, whether it’s a person, a painting, or a landscape.
There are many ways to say “beautiful” in French but let’s start with the direct translation: belle.
We will then move on to other expressions in French that can communicate our appreciation for stunning beauty.
Certain rules on using the French word for “beautiful” will be discussed, as well as synonyms, ways to say it to someone depending on the situations, and more examples to help us better understand the rules.
Things you'll find in this article
Beautiful In French: Rules And Several Ways On How To Say It
Read on and learn more about “Beautiful” in French.

1. Beautiful in French

Belle/Beau – Beautiful
Depending on who you’re talking to and what you’re talking about, the term ‘beautiful’ might be translated as belle or beau.
French has gendered terms, just like Spanish. So, in French, “beautiful” refers to either a man or a woman (or a masculine/feminine word). To put it another way, magnifique (“magnificent”) is a word that means “beautiful” or “striking.”
2. Rules When Using “Beau/Belle” in French
Before you start using the words beau or belle to practice your French, here is an easy to follow guide with examples to help you understand each rule.
When Besu/Beau Comes Before Adjectives With Vowels
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In general, use beau when describing a man or a manly thing. Use the ‘bel’ instead of belle if the adjective comes before a noun that begins with a vowel or an unaspirated h.
For example:
Bel ami – beautiful friend
Beau ciel – beautiful sky
Word Order When Saying/Writing “Beautiful” in French
Adjectives are usually used after a noun in French. However, the noun is preceded by a brief list of adjectives, one of which is beau/belle/bel. The French version of ‘beautiful’ usually comes before the noun you’re depicting as beautiful in most cases.
For example:
Beau château– beautiful castle
belles images – beautiful images
Adjective and Gender When Using Beau/Belle
The adjective “beautiful” can be applied to both objects and people. Objects in French can be either male or female. You must use the right gendered adjective when describing an inanimate thing.
For example:
Une belle voiture – beautiful car
Beau pont – beautiful bridge
3. Other words for “Beautiful” in French
There are various ways to say “beautiful” in French, just as there are many ways to say “beautiful” in English. If you are learning French, you may use the following words to describe people, places, and things using the rules mentioned above.
- attrayant (masculine adjective) – attractive
For example:
Prince attrayant – attractive prince
- belle (feminine adjective) – beautiful
For example:
Belle reine – beautiful queen
- charmante (feminine adjective) – charming or lovely
For example:
charmante ville – a charming city
- éblouissante (feminine adjective) – dazzling
For example:
sourire éblouissant – a dazzling smile
- étonnante (feminine adjective) – astonishing
For example:
conception étonnante – astonishing design
- jolie (feminine adjective) – pretty
For example:
jolie robe – pretty dress
- magnifique (feminine adjective) – magnificent or gorgeous
For example:
magnifique palais – magnificent palace
- mignon (masculine adjective) – good-looking or cute
For example:
chien mignon – cute dog
4. How to Say You Are Beautiful in French
In the French language, there are differences and rules to take note of when complimenting someone on their appearance. It is not the same for each gender, as well as age or stature or how many people you are saying “You’re beautiful” to.
When Talking to Women
Tu es belle – You are beautiful
The first portion of the phrase, “tu es,” means “you are,” and the word “belle” means “beautiful.” This is what you say when you’re speaking to a specific person.
Vous êtes belle – You are beautiful
This is what you say when speaking with superiors, the elderly, or notable individuals.
The formal variant of “you” is “vous,” which is used in “proper” speech. Though there is no hard and fast rule for when to say “vous,” a reasonable rule of thumb is to use it for someone whom you would address in English as “Ms.” or “Mrs.”
Vous êtes belles – You are beautiful
This is how you say “You are gorgeous” to several women at the same time. The translation is the same, however this is the plural form of the expression.
It’s worth noting that you can’t just add an “s” to belles; you must also use the plural form of “you are”: “Vous êtes.”
When Talking to Men
Tu es beau – You are beautiful/handsome
The term “beau” is the male version of the word “beautiful.” Beau is the male variant of the female word “belle.” This particular expression is what you say when addressing someone familiar.
Vous êtes beau – You are beautiful/handsome
When speaking to superiors, the elderly, or notable persons, use the polite “vous êtes belle.”
The formal variant of “you” is “vous,” which is used in informal discussion. Though there is no standard rule, a fair rule of thumb is to use “vous” for anyone you would address as “Mr.” in English.
Vous êtes beaux – You are beautiful/handsome
Say “Vous êtes beaux” to several men to tell them they are attractive. The translation is the same for the singular and plural forms of the equation.
You must add an “x” to the word ending in “au” to make it plural, like “beaux.”
5. Complimenting Beauty in French
When it comes to flirtation, seduction, or praising one’s lover, the French can’t seem to get enough of it.
This is when they can over-express their feelings and get carried away, whether we’re seeking pleasure or romance.
Here are some ways to compliment someone on their nice looks using some of the French words (beautiful synonyms) we learned previously.
- Tu es charmant. – “You are charming.” (Male)
- Tu es charmante. – “You are charming.” (Female)
- Tu es magnifique – You are wonderful
- Tu es superbe – You are superb
- Tu es élégant(e) – You are elegant
- Tu es classe – You are classy
Want to learn more French phrases? Check out our language guides below:
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Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.