French boy names have always been renowned for their elegance, charm, and rich cultural heritage. From classic names that echo the grandeur of French history to contemporary choices that reflect modern trends, French names offer a diverse and appealing selection for parents around the world.
50+ French Boy Names Starting With A

The allure of these names is not only in their melodic sounds but also in their deep meanings and historical significance.
Among these, names that begin with the letter “A” hold a special place. They are often chosen for their strong, noble connotations and timeless appeal.
French Boy Names Starting with A and Their Popularity
- French Boy Names And Their Meanings
- French Boy Names Starting With B
- French Boy Names Starting With C
French boy names that start with the letter “A” are particularly popular due to several reasons. Firstly, many of these names have historical and cultural significance, making them enduring choices across generations.
For example, names like Alexandre and Antoine are timeless, often associated with powerful historical figures and revered saints, lending them a sense of nobility and tradition.
Secondly, these names often have meanings that reflect positive attributes or virtues, which makes them appealing to parents.
Names like Adrien, meaning “from Hadria,” and Arthur, meaning “bear” or “stone,” are examples of names that carry a sense of strength and stability.
Thirdly, the phonetic appeal of names starting with “A” cannot be overlooked. They often have a pleasant, harmonious sound that makes them easy to pronounce and memorable.
This phonetic allure and the rich cultural backdrop ensure these names remain favorites.
Additionally, modern influences and media have also contributed to the popularity of certain “A” names. Names like Axel and Aurélien have gained traction due to their modern, trendy vibe, making them suitable for contemporary settings while still retaining their French essence.
Here are some popular French boy names starting with the letter “A” and the reasons behind their enduring popularity:
Meaning: Defender of the people.
Popularity: A classic name often associated with historical figures and royalty, ensuring its timeless appeal.
Meaning: Priceless, inestimable worth.
Popularity: Widely used, popularized by notable personalities like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Meaning: Bear or stone.
Popularity: Steady due to legendary associations with King Arthur and its strong, noble sound.
Meaning: From Hadria.
Popularity: A sophisticated choice, blending traditional charm with a modern touch.
Meaning: Majestic, venerable.
Popularity: Revered for its historical significance and classic elegance.
Meaning: Father of peace.
Popularity: Modern and trendy, appealing to contemporary tastes while retaining its French roots.
Meaning: Golden, gilded.
Popularity: Stylish and elegant, offering a unique choice and sophisticated flair.
These names, among others, highlight French boy names’ enduring charm and broad appeal, starting with “A.” They encapsulate a blend of history, meaning, and phonetic beauty, ensuring their place in traditional and modern contexts.
Alexandre (ah-lek-SAHN-druh)
Meaning: Defender of the people.
Background: Derived from the Greek name Alexander, it is popular due to figures like Alexander the Great and various French kings.
Antoine (ahn-TWON)
Meaning: Priceless, inestimable worth.
Background: French form of Anthony, often associated with the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Arthur (ar-TOOR)
Meaning: Bear or stone.
Background: Associated with the legendary King Arthur, a symbol of nobility and bravery.
Adrien (ah-dree-EHN)
Meaning: From Hadria.
Background: A French form of Adrian, a name of Latin origin that has been used since the Middle Ages.
Auguste (oh-GOOST)
Meaning: Majestic, venerable.
Background: A name of Latin origin, often associated with Roman emperors and a symbol of dignity.
Augustin (oh-goos-TAN)
Meaning: Majestic, venerable.
Background: Derived from the Latin Augustus, often used in honor of Saint Augustine of Hippo.
Axel (ah-KSEL)
Meaning: Father of peace.
Background: Scandinavian origin, adopted into French culture and popular for its modern sound.
Anatole (ah-na-TOHL)
Meaning: From the east, rising sun.
Background: Greek origin, popularized in France by Anatole France, a Nobel Prize-winning writer.

Check out these articles for more French Boy Names:
Armand (ar-MAWN)
Meaning: Soldier.
Background: Germanic origin, often associated with the noble family name Armand in France.
Alban (al-BAHN)
Meaning: White, fair.
Background: Latin origin, used in honor of Saint Alban, the first British martyr.
Aimé (eh-MAY)
Meaning: Beloved.
Background: Latin origin, popular in medieval France and often used as a given name and surname.
Achille (ah-SHEEL)
Meaning: Pain.
Background: Greek origin, derived from Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War in Greek mythology.
Aimery (eh-MEH-ree)
Meaning: Work ruler.
Background: Germanic origin, used in medieval France and associated with nobility.
Alain (ah-LAN)
Meaning: Little rock or handsome.
Background: Celtic origin, popular in France since the Middle Ages, often used in literature.
Alaric (ah-LAHR-ik)
Meaning: Ruler of all.
Background: Germanic origin, name of a famous Visigoth king.
Albert (al-BER)
Meaning: Noble, bright.
Background: Germanic origin, widely used in France due to historical figures like Albert of Saxony.
Albin (al-BAN)
Meaning: White, fair.
Background: Latin origin, associated with Saint Albinus, a bishop of Angers.
Aldric (al-DREEK)
Meaning: Old ruler.
Background: Germanic origin, popular in medieval France.
Alexis (ah-LEK-sis)
Meaning: Defender, helper.
Background: Greek origin, often used in French literature and nobility.
Alphonse (al-FAWNS)
Meaning: Noble, ready.
Background: Germanic origin, popularized by historical figures like Alphonse de Lamartine, a French writer.
Amaury (ah-MO-ree)
Meaning: Work ruler.
Background: Germanic origin, used in medieval France, associated with nobility.
Amédée (ah-MAY-day)
Meaning: Lover of God.
Background: Latin origin, often used in honor of Saint Amadeus.
Amélien (ah-MAY-lyehn)
Meaning: Rival.
Background: Latin origin, less common but elegant choice.
André (ahn-DRAY)
Meaning: Manly, brave.
Background: Greek origin, widely used in France due to Saint Andrew.
Anselme (ahn-SELM)

Meaning: God-helmet.
Background: Germanic origin, name of a famous philosopher and saint.
Antonin (ahn-toh-NAN)
Meaning: Priceless, inestimable worth.
Background: Latin origin, diminutive of Antoine, popular in southern France.
Anthonin (ahn-toh-NAN)
Meaning: Priceless, inestimable worth.
Background: Variant of Antonin, used in regional dialects.
Apollinaire (ah-pol-lee-NAIR)
Meaning: Of Apollo.
Background: Greek origin, associated with the famous French poet Guillaume Apollinaire.
Arnaud (ar-NO)
Meaning: Eagle power.
Background: Germanic origin, popular in medieval France, associated with nobility.
Arsène (ar-SEHN)
Meaning: Virile.
Background: Greek origin, popularized by Arsène Lupin, a fictional gentleman thief.
Aubin (oh-BAN)
Meaning: White, fair.
Background: Latin origin, name of a saint and bishop in France.
Aurélien (oh-ray-LYEN)
Meaning: Golden, gilded.
Background: Latin origin, stylish and elegant, popular in contemporary France.
Aurèle (oh-REHL)
Meaning: Golden.
Background: Latin origin, a classic name with a sophisticated flair.
Aymar (ay-MAR)
Meaning: Famous.
Background: Germanic origin, less common but noble and strong.
Aymeric (ay-meh-REEK)
Meaning: Ruler, leader.
Background: Germanic origin, a variant of Emmerich, used in medieval France.
Adelphe (ah-DELF)
Meaning: Brother.
Background: Greek origin, rare but with a unique charm.
Agénor (ah-zhay-NOR)
Meaning: Manly, brave.
Background: Greek origin, associated with mythology and nobility.
Albéric (al-beh-REEK)
Meaning: Elf ruler.
Background: Germanic origin, used in medieval France.
Aldebert (al-deh-BER)
Meaning: Old bright.
Background: Germanic origin, less common, associated with nobility.
Amable (ah-MAH-bluh)
Meaning: Lovable.
Background: Latin origin, a classic name with a kind meaning.
Anicet (ah-nee-SET)

Meaning: Unconquerable.
Background: Greek origin, name of an early pope and saint.
Antoine-Marie (ahn-TWON mah-REE)
Meaning: Priceless, inestimable worth + beloved.
Background: Combines Antoine with Marie, a common practice in French naming traditions.
Archange (ar-SHANJ)
Meaning: Archangel.
Background: Greek origin, used in religious contexts.
Aristide (ah-ree-STEED)
Meaning: Best.
Background: Greek origin, associated with the Athenian statesman and various French politicians.
Arnault (ar-NO)
Meaning: Eagle ruler.
Background: Variant of Arnaud, popular in France.
Arthus (ar-TOOS)
Meaning: Bear.
Background: Variant of Arthur, used in certain regions of France.
Athanase (ah-ta-NAHZ)
Meaning: Immortal.
Background: Greek origin, associated with Saint Athanasius.
Aubert (oh-BER)
Meaning: Noble, bright.
Background: Germanic origin, a variant of Albert, used in medieval France.
Audric (oh-DREEK)
Meaning: Old ruler.
Background: Germanic origin, less common but with a noble meaning.
Augustin-Marie (oh-goos-TAN mah-REE)
Meaning: Majestic, venerable + beloved.
Background: Combines Augustin with Marie, a traditional French naming convention.
Aurèle-Benoît (oh-REHL beh-NWAH)
Meaning: Golden + blessed.
Background: Combines Aurèle with Benoît, adding a unique touch.
Avit (ah-VEET)
Meaning: Desired.
Background: Latin origin, name of a saint and bishop in France.

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.