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Happy New Year In French

Do you want to learn how to say Happy New Year in French?

On New Year’s Eve, French families and friends gather to share meals and toast the new year together. Depending on where you are, “le réveillon de la Saint Sylvestre” or “le réveillon du Jour de l’an” may be used to describe the new year  festivities.

In addition, the French don’t only have one day to celebrate the new year; they do so throughout the entire season.

Happy New Year In French

How To Say Happy New Year In French
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The following guide will teach you how to say “Happy New Year” in French. We have also compiled some French New Year’s wishes that you may use every day of the French new year celebrations.

1. Happy New Year In French: Bonne année

Happy New Year In French

The fascinating thing about new year’s wishes in French is that there is no ‘new’ in them. Instead, they just say “Happy New Year” or “Bonne année.”

It literally translates as “happy year,” and you can use it in almost any scenario without regard to formality.

You also don’t have to worry about saying the right thing or not because there isn’t really another way to say “Happy New Year” in French.

Along with wishing individuals a happy new year, the French have the custom of saying ‘have good health,’ which is rendered in French as ‘Bonne santé.’

2. Bonne année à toi / Bonne année à vous – Happy New Year to you

Happy New Year In French

You may want to be more precise about who you are communicating to at times. You can say “happy new year to you” which is “bon année à toi” in French. If you’re in a casual setting with just that one person,

Meanwhile, in a more formal setting, or if you’re speaking to a group of people, you can use the phrase “Bonjour à vous” instead.

Take note that the phrase “vous” refers to you in casual contexts or while speaking to numerous persons, even if the situation is informal.

3. Je te souhaite une bonne année / Je vous souhaite une bonne année – I wish you a happy new year

Happy New Year In French

To greet someone with a “Happy New Year” in French, you don’t need to use the word “wish” at all. However, it’s possible that you’d like to in certain situations.

In informal contexts, you can use Je te souhaite une bonne année to say “I wish you a happy new year”.

Meanwhile, you may say Je vous souhaite une bonne année, in formal situations or when addressing a group of people.

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4. Other Ways To Wish Someone A Happy New Year in French

Happy New Year In French

During this time of year, you may hear or use a few other expressions that you can say to loved ones and people you know. Here’s a list of New Year wishes in French.

  • Je vous souhaite une très bonne année (formal/to a group of people) / Je te souhaite une très bonne année (casual)– I wish you a very happy new year.
  • Meilleurs Vœux pour le Nouvel An – Best wishes for the new year
  • Bonne et heureuse année – Good and Happy Year
  • Bonne année à vous et à tous les vôtres – Happy New Year to you and yours

5. Other French Words related to New Year

Whether you’re celebrating the New Year in France or just want to learn a few words or phrases related to this joyful event, here’s a handy list:

  • Le jour de l’an – New Year’s Day
  • Le Nouvel An – the New Year
  • Le premier de janvier – January 1st
  • La fête – Party
  • Célébrer/Fêter – To celebrate

**While célébrer precisely means “to celebrate,” it is nearly equivalent with fêter, which means “to party.”

  • Danser – To dance
  • Les confettis – Confetti
  • La musique – Music
  • Les feux d’artifice – Fireworks

**”Artificial fire” is the direct translation of the phrase. French is such a pretty language, isn’t it?

  • S’embrasser – To kiss

**This is only one of many possible French expressions for the act of kissing. Other ways to say  “to give someone a kiss” in French are “faire une bise” or “donner un bisou.”

Want to learn more French phrases? Check out our language guides below:

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