Do you want to know the several ways to say I love you in French in 10 minutes?
France is synonymous with all things romantic. From the city of love of Paris to the romantic French songs and love quotes – the French people embraced the concept of falling in love like no other. It is also not surprising that French is considered to be the language of love.
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10+ Ways To Say I Love You In French

There are numerous ways to communicate love in French, and not all of them include the words l’amour (love) and aimer (to love). How does one say I Love You in French? Here are the many ways to say you love someone in France.
The Common Ways To Say I Love You In French

Je t’aime – I Love You
The standard way to say I love you in French, Je t’aime is neither casual nor formal. Whether you are communicating your feelings to a lover, to friends, or family, Je t’aime is what you say. Short and sweet, these simple yet powerful words are probably among the most popular French expressions, a symbol of what’s considered to be the love language.
Je vous aime – love you all
It’s I Love You times the number of the people you’re telling it to. This is what you say when you’re addressing more people. The shortened te in Je t’aime is replaced by vous, which is the plural ‘you’.
Je t’aime bien – I like you
This expression is a bit confusing because even if you are not that good in French, the words here are quite familiar. “Je t’aime” is I Love You while “bien” means fine, good, or well. Its direct English translation is I love you well, but in France, it is used to express “like” for someone.
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Je t’adore – I adore you
Another confusing way to say I love you in French. Je t’adore means I like you very very much. It can be something you say to a person you like very much but not necessarily a lover, as well as to friends and family. For fans of celebrities, “Je t’adore” is something you’ll often hear as they express their admiration and love.
Strictly speaking, and in the context of romantic love, “Je t’adore” is said to be something in the middle of “Je t’aime” (love) and “Je t’aime bien” (like).
Je suis amoureux/amoureuse de toi – I am in love with you
Now, this is a clearer way to say I Love You in French, wherein you tell someone special that you are in love with him or her. This expression is only used with a lover. Use amoreux if the speaker is male, amoreuse if female.
Other ways of saying I love you in French besides Je t’aime

The French have a variety of ways to express their love. Here’s a quick list:
- T’es l’amour de ma vie – You’re the love of my life
A different, yet equally heartfelt way to say I love you to that special person.
- Mon coeur bat la chamade pour toi – My heart beats loudly for you
Something to tell your loved one if you’re feeling poetic
- Je t’aime pour toujours – I love you forever
This is something that is not exclusive to lovers, and something you can say to friends and family.
- Je t’aime chaque jour davantage – I love you more each day.
A truly romantic way of communicating your love to your significant other.
- Je t’aime de toute mon âme – I love you with all of my soul
A way to say I love you in French that speaks of deep love and devotion.
- Je t’aime passionnément – I love you passionately
An intense way to say I Love You in French.
- Je t’aime à la folie – I love you like crazy
- Je suis fou amoureux de toi – I am madly in love with you
A bit over the top, but these expressions are part of the French vocabulary, referring to love so intense and maddening.
- Je suis folle de toi – I’m crazy about you (from a woman)
- Je suis fou de toi – I’m crazy about you (from a man)
- Je t’aime d’amour – I truly love you
This translates to I love you with (true) love but often used to express one’s genuine love for another person.
- Sans toi, je ne suis rien – Without you, I am nothing.
- Je ne suis pas bien sans toi – I am not good without you
These are grateful ways of saying I Love You in French that recognize how much the person you love made your life better.
- Tu es l’homme/la femme de mes rêves – You are the man/woman of my dreams.
This one is when you’ve finally met someone truly remarkable and he/she seems like someone straight out of a fairy tale or romantic film.
- Tu me rends tellement heureux/heureuse – You make me so happy
This is to appreciate how much the other person impacted your life and made it brighter and happier.
Other variations of Je t’aime

Aside from the ways to say I Love You in French without saying the popular expression, you may also add something to Je t’aime. When you feel so strongly about someone, there seem to be so many ways to say it, to make it sweeter. The French don’t stop at Je t’aime, a few extra words just have to be added to better articulate their feelings. Here are some of them:
- Je t’aime tellement – I love you so much
- Je t’aimerai toujours – I’ll love you forever
- Je t’aime de tout mon coeur – I love you with all my heart
Tomber – Falling
For the French, romantic love goes through phases and this starts with tomber, or falling (in love). They consider tomber as the metaphor for what happens when someone slowly discovers his or her love for another person.
Tomber is the basic verb in the expression that describes falling in love, with a slight difference depending on the gender of the speaker.
- Je suis tombé amoureux de toi – I’ve fallen in love with you (from a man)
- Je suis tombée amoureuse de toi – I’ve fallen in love with you (from a woman)
Additionally, here’s what the French say when they fancy someone:
- J’ai le béguin – I have a crush
While this one is when you want to get to know a person more:
- J’aimerais passer plus de temps avec toi – I would love to spend more time with you
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Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.