Are you curious what Tous les garçons et les filles lyrics in French actually means and what’s the English translation of the song?
This song is one of the best songs in French and considered one of the best works of Francoise Hardy.
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Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles Lyrics in French ( With English Translation)

About the song
The French singer-songwriter Francoise Hardy is responsible for the song “Tous les garcons et les filles,” which translates to “All the Boys and Girls” in English. Hardy is given credit as a co-writer on the song’s original recording from the yé-yé era in 1962.
Hardy is well-known for writing songs that are romantically nostalgic and have melancholy lyrics. Her first single, “Tous les Garcons et les Filles,” sold over two million copies and made her an overnight sensation in Europe.
Hardy is also well known in the entertainment industry for her work as a model, french actor, astrologer, and book.
The lyrics of “Tous les garcons et les filles” describe the emotions of a young woman who has never been in a romantic relationship and her sentiments of jealousy toward the couples that are around her.
Hardy’s single, which was released all over the world, was an enormous success in France. Between the end of October 1962 and the middle of April 1963, it spent a total of 15 weeks, none of which were consecutive, at the top of the French singles chart.
A musical interlude featuring Hardy’s performance of the song was broadcast on the evening of Sunday, October 28, 1962, while the results of the 1962 referendum were being announced on television.
This was the referendum to decide whether or not the president of the French Republic should be elected directly.
The record was also an instant hit, eventually selling a total of 500,000 copies by the time the year came to a close. In addition to this, the primary characters in J.L. Carr’s novel “What Hetty Did,” which was published in 1988, quoted the song multiple times.
“Tous les garcons et les filles” is one of the most famous songs in the Yé-yé music style. During the early 1960s, Western and Southern Europe became the birthplace of a new type of pop music known as yé-yé.
The English phrase “yeah! yeah!” (popularized in the United Kingdom by beat music bands like the Beatles) was the inspiration for this French music movement.
The popularity of singer-songwriters such as Francoise Hardy contributed to the style’s propagation over the globe.
Francoise Hardy recorded the song in several languages, including English (“Find Me a Boy,” 1964), Italian (“Quelli della mia età,” 1962; collected in Francoise Hardy canta per voi in Italiano, 1963), and German (“Peter und Lou,” 1963; collected in In Deutschland, 1965).
A French pop classic, “Tous les garçons et les filles” was also covered by various artists in different languages, including Swedish (Lill-Babs, “Vart Jag Än Går”, 1963), Portuguese (Eny Mara, “A Idade Do Amor”, 1964) and Polish (Janusz Laskowski, “Och jak bardzo cię kocham”, album Nigdy nie byłem w Casablance, 1994).
Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles French Lyrics

Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Se promènent dans la rue deux par deux
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent bien ce que c’est d’être heureux
Et les yeux dans les yeux, et la main dans la main
Ils s’en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l’âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m’aime
Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et pleins d’ennuis
Personne ne murmure
“Je t’aime” à mon oreille
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Font ensemble des projets d’avenir
Tous les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Savent très bien ce qu’aimer veut dire
Et les yeux dans les yeux, et la main dans la main
Ils s’en vont amoureux sans peur du lendemain
Oui mais moi, je vais seule par les rues, l’âme en peine
Oui mais moi, je vais seule, car personne ne m’aime
Mes jours comme mes nuits
Sont en tous points pareils
Sans joies et pleins d’ennuis
Oh quand, donc pour moi
Brillera le soleil?
Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Connaîtrais-je bientôt ce qu’est l’amour?
Comme les garçons et les filles de mon âge
Je me demande quand viendra le jour
Où les yeux dans ses yeux, et la main dans sa main
J’aurai le coeur heureux sans peur du lendemain
Le jour où je n’aurai plus du tout l’âme en peine
Le jour où moi aussi j’aurai quelqu’un qui m’aime
Check out the video here.
Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles English Lyrics and Translation
So many friends that I happen to see have been steadily falling in love
Oh how I wish it could happen to me and I’m asking the stars up above
Won’t you find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
Who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
“I love you, yes I do”, and who’ll promise me too
That he’ll always be true, so that I’ll never be blue
I just wish for a gentle boy, someone who’s sweet and kind
Just a nice sentimental boy, that’s all that I’m really longing to find
So many friends that I happen to see have been telling me all about love
Oh how I wish it could happen to me is the only thing I’m thinking of
So I’ll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
Who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
“I love you, yes I do”, and who’ll promise me too
That he’ll always be true, so that I’ll never be blue
So I’ll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
Who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
“I love you, yes I do”, and who’ll promise me too
That he’ll always be true, so that I’ll never be blue.

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.