Do you want to learn how say wow in French?
A lot of instances constantly astound people all across the world. Many things make people say, “Wow!” —from pleasant surprises to remarkable talent, striking beauty to incredible occurrences.
The same is true with French speakers. One of the most popular ways to convey amazement or awe in English is to exclaim “wow!” But how do those who speak French convey these emotions?
The French have their fun, humorous and distinct words for when a “Wow” moment occurs.
Keep reading to discover how surprise and shock are expressed in this beautiful language, in our guide on how to say Wow in French.
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Ways To Say Wow In French

1. Waouh!

“Waouh” is the French word that most closely resembles the English “wow!” The word still conveys surprise and shock despite having a different spelling. Keep in mind that it can also be written “waou” or even “waw” but the pronunciation (Wow) is the same.
French translators have long used “waouh” as the simplest technique to achieve lip sync for dubbing; it is an “anglicism” that was likely brought into the language by American movies and TV shows. Over the years, Waouh! has become a popular phrase in French, particularly among younger audiences.

Here’s how the French usually says Waouh:
- Waouh c’est super – wow that’s amazing!
- Waouh c’est incroyable – wow that’s unbelievable
- waouh c’est beau – wow that’s beautiful
Since Waouh is often a response to positive news, here are the common adjectives you’ll hear among the French:
- Excellent – Excellent
- Extraordinaire / Exceptionnel – Exceptional
- Fantastique – Amazing
- Génial – Brilliant
- Impressionnant – Stunning / Impressive
- Incroyable – Incredible
- Magnifique – Awesome
- Merveilleux – Marvelous
- Remarquable – Remarkable
- Super – Terrific
2. Ça alors!

“Ca alors!” is a more traditional way of saying “wow!” in spoken French. It’s an old term, which you’d still hear in the country but not as common. Only a few young French people use it nowadays since they have their unique way of saying Wow in French (see below).
Here’s how the French usually says Waouh:
- Ça alors il est super – wow that’s amazing!
- Ça alors c’est incroyable – wow that’s unbelievable
- Ça alors c’est beau – wow that’s beautiful
“Ça alors” is often used to express awe when presented with positive news:
- Ça alors c’est merveilleux – wow that’s wonderful
However, in some cases, “ça alors!” can also be used to express negative astonishment in certain situations:
- Ça alors c’est dégoûtant – wow that’s disgusting!
3. Oh là là !

Oh là là is more of an exclamation than an expression in French. It is still regarded as a variation of saying “Wow,” though. It can be used to express surprise, dissatisfaction, empathy, distress, or even displeasure.
The expression is used to convey any intense feelings in response to certain actions or statements. It is frequently something you say after being utterly amazed, in amazement, or after receiving a surprise.
4. C’est super!

Simply exclaiming “c’est super!” is yet another option for conveying a “wow!” feeling. This expression translates to “It’s fantastic!” In addition to this, there are a variety of other phrases that can be used. Here are some other similar adjectives:
- C’est extra / extraordinaire! – it’s great, exceptional
- C’est génial / génialissime! – it’s brilliant, great
- C’est fantastique / magnifique! – it’s amazing, awesome
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5. C’est top!

The younger generation frequently uses the colloquial expression “C’est top!” to express their astonishment at something.
This expression is only used in spoken French. It would appear that people who speak French are perpetually out of superlatives, which is why they frequently combine these adjectives with modifiers.
● C’est trop bien!
In their quest for new and better ways to express themselves, the French have altered “trop” to denote “ultra good”. People from Arab cultures tend to use “trop” instead of “très” when speaking French, resulting in this alternative red use of “trop”. Over the years, this “wow” adjective has found its way into common colloquial French.
6. Je n’en reviens pas, j’y crois pas!

“Je n’en reviens pas!” is another French expression for “wow.” It means “I’m not returning from this.” It’s like saying “je n’y crois pas” (I don’t believe it) or more colloquially “j’y crois pas!”
When used to express positive surprise and awe, these French expressions are very similar to the English word “wow!” Since it already conveys your sense of wonder and awe, there’s no need to add an adjective.
7. J’hallucine!

Another way to exclaim “wow!”, this one means “I’m hallucinating!” and conveys the idea that the speaker cannot believe what they are seeing.
It is important to keep in mind that the term “j’hallucine” can also be used in a pejorative sense; in this context, it can be thought of as a pejorative “wow!”
8. Non tu plaisantes / c’est une blague!

This is the same as saying “you have got to be kidding!” and “it’s a joke right?”, which means that in the right setting, it can also be used to express a “wow!” feeling.
9. Tu es sérieux(se)?

As a result of the increasing number of English-language films and television shows that the French have been watching in recent years, this phrase has also been adopted into French. This isn’t a commonly heard expression in everyday French conversation.
Sérieux, or “reliable,” is a French word that traditionally refers to someone who is “important” or “dependable.” While this expression is commonly used to inquire, “Is this a joke?” or “Is this not a joke?”
Like English speakers, French speakers increasingly use it to denote “wow!” in certain circumstances.
- Tu es sérieuse – Are you serious?
10. Sérieusement

The phrase “seriously?” is frequently used in English to express surprise, disbelief, or indignation, as well as to respond to “wow!” moments. As a result of English-language media, the French have recently begun using the phrase “sérieusement?” in similar contexts.
11. More ways to say “Wow” in French

- Mon Dieu !
This is the French equivalent of “Oh My God” or “oh my gosh”.
- Quel malheur !
This translates to “What a disgrace!” and is often a negative Wow in French, as it is in English.
- Ça m’étonne / ça me surprend
This is a lovely way to say Wow in French, which means “That amazes me.”
- Comme c’est beau !
A positive Wow, this expression is French for “How beautiful! / it’s beautiful”
- Je (n’)en crois pas mes yeux !
This is a variation of Je n’en reviens pas, j’y crois pas! (I don’t believe this!). This particular Wow in French, however, is more of a reaction to what you saw, and translates to “I can’t believe my eyes!”
- Je reste sans voix / Je reste bouche bée
This translates to “I remain speechless” and is used to express a mix of utter surprise and disbelief.
- Oh la vache !
This is a fun way to say Wow in French, which means “holy cow, Wow, Good heavens!”
The French often say “oh la vache!”, or simply “la vache!”, when they express surprise or admiration.
- Quel travail !
This is a Wow expression in French that means “What work!”. You often hear it as a response to a great work that someone did, like a painting, a dance routine or even cleaning the entire house.
- Quelle chance !
This is another positive Wow expression in French. This one translates to “What luck!” and you hear it often with an impressed tone mixed with surprise at someone’s good fortune or accomplishment.
- Quoi ?
This is a Wow in French that denotes disbelief at something that happened or even what someone said. This translates to “What? / Say what?” and can be both used positively and negatively.
- Trop bien !
This is a positive Wow in French that means “Awesome!”
Want to learn more French phrases? Check out our language guides below:
- How To Order In Restaurants In French
- Please In French : Ways On How To Say It
- 10+ Ways To Say No Problem In French
- Yes In French: How To Say It In 20 Different Ways

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.