Do you want to learn the several ways to say congratulations in French in 10 minutes?
There are precise ways to convey your well-wishes in the love language, whether it’s a happy event like a birthday, anniversary, wedding, promotion, or holidays – or a terrible scenario like a disease or death in the family.
Things you'll find in this article
- 10+ Ways to Say Congratulations in French
- Félicitations: The standard way to say “Congratulations” in French
- Félicitations plus an adjective
- Informal Ways to Say Congratulations in French
- Formal Ways to Say Congratulations in French
- How to say congratulations in French for different occasions
- Using the Adjective Bon to Say Congratulations in French
10+ Ways to Say Congratulations in French
Check out this simple guide to avoid being stumped when it comes to saying “Congratulations!” in French.

Félicitations: The standard way to say “Congratulations” in French

Félicitations are the most common way to say “Congratulations” in French. It can be used among intimate friends as well as in more formal contexts.
Use Félicitations pour, followed by the action/event, to express what you’re congratulating the person on.
An example is: Félicitations pour ton nouvel emploi – Congratulations on your new job
Félicitations plus an adjective
Félicitations work just well as a standalone expression of congratulations, but if you want to spice things up a little, use it in a complete sentence or add an adjective. Always remember that it’s a plural, feminine word, so double-check that whatever you add to it is correct.
Keep in mind also that the following typical expressions are slightly more formal than simply saying félicitations, so if you’re speaking with someone close to you, you might want to avoid them and keep it simple:
- mes/nos sincères félicitations – my/our sincere congratulations.
- mes/nos vives félicitations – my/our enthusiastic congratulations
- toutes mes/nos félicitations – my/our wholehearted congratulations.
Informal Ways to Say Congratulations in French
Now that you’ve learned the standard French word for “congratulations,” it’s time to practice saying it in more casual situations with people you know.
It’s important to keep in mind that the lines between what’s considered “informal” and “slang” can blur at times. None of the terms or phrases on this list, however, are objectionable by definition.
- Bravo! – Congratulations/Well Done!
Bravo is the most common of the casual ways to say “congratulations” in French, and you’ll hear it frequently. It can be used in almost any situation, just like félicitations.
- Chapeau! – Congratulations/Well Done
This one truly translates to “Hats off to you!” It’s more traditional than bravo and a little less adaptable. It’s frequently used to celebrate little accomplishments, such as resolving a disagreement, learning to bake a simple cake, or finishing a five-kilometer run.
- Bien joué! – Congratulations/Well Done/ lit. Well Played!
Bien joué is best used in the context of sporting achievement, just as it is in English. However, it can be used if you want to congratulate someone in a more informal setting, especially when complimenting them on how they achieved something.
This expression is also used ironically by some people. If you think someone isn’t applauding you +based on their tone, body language, or facial expression), then they probably aren’t.
- The French would also use a hat emoji as a reply to someone who told them about something successful in their lives in messages and chat apps. This is a modern Congratulations in the love language to look out for.
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Formal Ways to Say Congratulations in French
When you need to temper your enthusiasm when saying Congratulations in French, notably in professional circumstances and writing – use the phrases below.
- Féliciter – To Congratulate
To congratulate someone formally, whether spoken or written, you can simply use the verb “to congratulate” or féliciter in French, just as it is done in English.
- Tous mes compliments/tous nos compliments – Sincere Congratulations
This is quite a formal way to convey your congrats in French, and while you can hear people say it, it’s also more typically used in writing to someone you don’t know well or in a professional setting.
- Je tiens à vous féliciter pour… – I Must/Should Congratulate You For…
This is when you wish to express your heartfelt congratulations to someone else in a formal setting, possibly for a significant accomplishment or to express gratitude for something they did that helped others who are working toward the same objective.
How to say congratulations in French for different occasions
Congratulations: New baby
So, a friend or family member is expecting a child or has recently given birth. Here’s how you can congratulate them in French.
- Félicitations pour la naissance de votre petit garçon / petite fille! – Congratulations on the arrival of your new beautiful baby boy/girl!
- Félicitations pour la nouvelle arrivée dans votre famille! – Congratulations on the new arrival in your family!
- Nous sommes ravis d’apprendre la naissance de votre petit garçon / petite fille. Félicitations. – We are delighted to hear of the birth of your new baby boy/girl. Congratulations.
Someone you know has just accomplished something in school – graduating, moving up to higher education, or being accepted into a university.
This is a moment you want to celebrate their success by extending your Congratulations. Here’s how you say it in French.
- Félicitations pour ton diplôme! – Congratulations on your graduation!
- Félicitations pour tes examens – Congratulations on passing your exams!
- Bien joué pour les examens. – Well done on your exams.
- Félicitations pour l’obtention de ton Master! – Congratulations on getting your Masters!
- Félicitations pour ton entrée à l’université. – Well done on getting into University.
Congratulations/Best Wishes: Engagement and Wedding
Weddings and engagements are two of life’s most joyful occasions. Here are some French expressions to use when you want to say that you’re happy for your friends or family. You can use these to congratulate them and wish them well as they celebrate this significant achievement.
- Félicitations pour tes fiançailles! – Congratulations on your engagement!
- Félicitations pour votre mariage! – Congratulations on the wedding! (formal)
- Félicitations et meilleurs vœux à vous deux pour votre mariage. – Congratulations and best wishes to you both on your wedding day. (formal)
- Félicitations pour vous être dit “oui”! Congratulations on saying yes (informal)
- Félicitations à vous deux! Congratulations on tying the knot! (informal)
Wins and accomplishments at work warrant a celebration, as well as well-wishes from friends and family. So, if you need to express your congratulations in French, here are a few options:
- Félicitations pour avoir décroché ce poste! – Congratulations on getting the job!
- Félicitations pour ton avancement! – Congratulations on the promotion!
Using the Adjective Bon to Say Congratulations in French
Another approach to express congrats in French is to put the adjective bon (excellent) before a noun, especially if you’re congratulating someone on anything specific. Here are some examples:
- Bon travail les gars! (Good work, guys!)
- Bonne réussite! (Great success!)
Note: the masculine bon becomes bonne if it is a feminine noun.
Want to learn more French phrases? Check out our language guides below:
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Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.