If you’re studying the French language, you may notice some pretty interesting French words or phrases that your teachers deliberately withhold.
French swear words and insults.
Well, you can’t really claim to speak this beautiful language if you do not know how to cuss like a [French] sailor. Because let’s face it: curses and insults are very much part of every human language.
Things you'll find in this article
- 30+ Common French Swear Words and Insults
- 1. Merde
- 2. Nom de dieu
- 3. Putain / Pute
- 4. Pute
- 5. Bordel
- 6. Niquer
- 7. Salaud
- 8. Salope
- 9. Salopard
- 10. Trou du cul
- 11. Garce
- 12. Chatte
- 13. Fous-toi
- 14. Va te faire foutre
- 14. Connerie
- 14. Emmerdeur / Emmerdeuse
- 15. Je t’emmerde’
- 17. Chieur / Chieuse
- 18. Chiant / Chiante
- 19. Con / Conne
- 20. Lèche-cul
- 21. Brûle en l’enfer
- 22. Tête de nœud
- 23. Enculer
- 24. Enculé / Enculée
- 25. Va te faire foutre
- 26. Zob / Pine / Queue / Bite / Nœud
- 27. Fermer ta gueule
- 28. Couilles
- 29. Pouffiasse / Pouffe
- 30. Zut
30+ Common French Swear Words and Insults

Let’s take a look at the following French swear words and insults so you can cuss like a local.
1. Merde

One of the most common French swear words, “merde” can be used any way you want it. One uses this expression when one is surprised or disappointed, or when referring to something or someone that is unpleasant. It is the French’s answer to the English “crap” or “shit.”
“Merde” is often added to other swear words or phrases for emphasis, as in “nom de dieu de merde!” Or “putain de merde!”
2. Nom de dieu
“Nom de dieu” can be translated as “for God’s sake” or “goddamn.” To intensify the profanity, “merde” is added – as in, “Nom de dieu de merde!“
3. Putain / Pute
Literally meaning “bitch” or “whore,” “putain” is employed more like the English “f*ck.” It is perhaps the most widely used French curse word.
Just like “merde,” “putain” is used it to express one’s anger, surprise or amazement at something or someone.
4. Pute
“Pute” is the same as “putain” – but stronger. “Fils de pute” translates as “son of a b*tch” or ” son of a whore.”
5. Bordel
“Bordel” is the French word for “brothel.” However, its employment is akin to “putain.” “Merde” can be added for emphasis and if that’s not enough, “putain” can also join in. “Putain de bordel de merde” is a real badass combo to express your intense anger or frustration.
It makes you feel like there’s more foam in your mouth than “goddammit,” “bloody hell,” or “for Christ’s sake.”
6. Niquer

The vulgar French word for “have sex,” “f*ck” or “screw.” It can also be used to mean “trick” or “swindle” someone.
You can hurl “Niquer!” at someone if you want to say “f*ck you” in style. And when you’re really mad, add “ta mère” (“your mother”), as in: “Nique ta mère!” Being told to f*ck their mother will really insult someone.
7. Salaud
If someone tells you “salaud,” they’re not being nice. They mean you are a bastard.
8. Salope
This one’s for the women. “Salope” is the feminine counterpart of “salaud” and – depending on the context – can be translated as “bitch” or “whore.” It is used to insult women, mostly with regards to their sexual behavior.
However, “salope” can also be employed to insult men sans the sexual connotation. This feminine version of “salaud” insults a man more effectively.
9. Salopard
This is pretty much the same as “salaud” but with more intensity. If “salaud” is a bastard, then “salopard” is a scumbag.
10. Trou du cul
French for “asshole,” “tro du cul” is used on someone you have little or totally no respect for.
11. Garce

“Garce” can refer to a misbehaving woman – a bitch or a slut. This insult is derived from “gars,” a term used back in the Middle-Ages, which means “boy.”
12. Chatte
The French version of “pussy,” “chatte” is a female cat. It is a vulgar word to refer to the female genitalia.
13. Fous-toi
French for “f*ck you” or “f*ck yourself.”
14. Va te faire foutre
Similar to “fous-toi,” “va te faire foutre” literally means “go f*ck yourself.”
14. Connerie
You say “connerie” when you hear something that you do not believe or doesn’t make sense, like the English “bullcrap” or “bullshit.” Connerie can also mean any stupid action – as in “faire une connerie,” which means to fuck up or to screw up.
14. Emmerdeur / Emmerdeuse

Masculine “emmerdeur” or feminine “emmerdeuse” refers to someone so annoying they’re a pain in the ass.
15. Je t’emmerde’
Another way to say “f*ck.” you” or “screw you” in French.
17. Chieur / Chieuse
Same as above, “chier” (male) or “chieuse” (female) is a person who takes a crap, used as an insult on someone you think is a pain in the ass.
18. Chiant / Chiante
Also refers to someone who’s a pain in your ass, a chiant (male) or a chiante (female) is a bit different from chieur/chieuse because the former is someone who makes you take a crap.
19. Con / Conne
The French term “con” originally referred to the female genitalia and can be translated as “pussy” when insulting a man. It is also used on someone you consider a jerk or a moron.
20. Lèche-cul

“Lèche” is French for “lick” and “cul” means “ass.” So when someone calls you a “lèche-cul,” they mean you’re an ass-licker.
21. Brûle en l’enfer
“Brûle en l’enfer” literally means “burn in hell.”
22. Tête de nœud
“Dickhead” in English, but in French it’s an insult used to call someone stupid.
23. Enculer
The French way to say the expression “f*ck.”
24. Enculé / Enculée
This insult is employed to call someone a cocksucker or an asshole. “Petit” (small/little) is usually added and the insult – “petit enculé/enculée” – comes to mean “little f*cker” or “little shit.”
25. Va te faire foutre

The vulgar French word for “sperm” or “cum,” “foutre” is also used as a verb which means “f*ck.” “Va te faire foutre” in this sense means “go and get f*cked.”
26. Zob / Pine / Queue / Bite / Nœud
These are just some of the French swear words that equal with the English “d*ck” or “penis.”
27. Fermer ta gueule
“Fermer ta gueule” – often shortened to “ta gueule” – is used to tell someone to shut the f*ck up. “Fermer” means to close or shut, while “gueule” translates to mouth (commonly, of an animal).
28. Couilles
The vulgar term for testicles, “couilles” is the French equivalent of the English “balls” or “bollocks.”
29. Pouffiasse / Pouffe
An insult intended for a woman who dresses or behaves like a slut and is considered somewhat dumb, “pouffiasse” or “pouffe” is the French equivalent of the English “bimbo.”
30. Zut

By far the “mildest” in the list, “zut” can be considered “wholesome.” It is the French expression that can be translated as “shucks” or “darn.”

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.