Knowing how to converse about vegetables in French is a fantastic place to start if you want to enhance your language skills. This is helpful whether you are planning a vacation to a region where French is the primary language, improving your culinary know-how, or simply expanding your knowledge.
The names of some of the most common vegetables in French, along with important grammar rules, are going to be covered in this tutorial. We’ll walk you through the process of learning the French words for all of your favorite vegetables, from carrots to cucumbers to eggplants.
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Acquiring a working knowledge of the French names for vegetables can also help you in navigating French markets and restaurants, where menus and displays of food are frequently printed in French.
Also, it is a wonderful opportunity to show off your French fluency to your loved ones and friends.
Things you'll find in this article
Names For Vegetables In French

Grammar Rules for Using the Words for various vegetables in French
There are several grammar rules to remember when using the words for various vegetables in French. Here are a few examples:
Vegetable names, like many nouns in French, have a gender, either masculine or feminine. To match the gender of the vegetable, use the appropriate article and adjective. In French, “une carotte” (feminine) means “a carrot,” whereas “un concombre” (masculine) means “a cucumber.”
To make a vegetable name plural, end it with a -s for masculine nouns and a -es for feminine nouns. In French, “les tomates” (feminine) means “the tomatoes,” whereas “les haricots” (masculine) means “the beans.”
An article must be used before a noun in French. The article will be determined by the vegetable’s gender and whether it is singular or plural. In French, “la courgette” (feminine) means “the zucchini,” whereas “les poivrons” (masculine) means “the peppers.”
Adjectives in French must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. In French, “une salade verte” (feminine) means “green salad,” whereas “des carottes crues” (feminine plural) means “raw carrots.”
You may need to use a verb when using vegetables in a sentence. The verb in the sentence must agree with the subject. In French, “Je cuisine des épinards” means “I cook spinach,” whereas “Elle mange des carottes” means “She eats carrots.”
By following these grammar rules, you will be able to confidently use the French words for various vegetables in your conversations, writing, and culinary endeavors.
Common Vegetables in French

Being acquainted with the French names of different vegetables can help you in exploring French markets, comprehend menus, and dazzle your loved ones with your French skills.
Within this guide, we have compiled a list of prevalent vegetables in the French language, accompanied by their corresponding English translations.
- Artichaut – Artichoke
- Asperge – Asparagus
- Aubergine – Eggplant
- Avocat – Avocado (from a nutrition and culinary standpoint, avocado is treated and served as a vegetable)
- Betterave – Beet
- Brocoli – Broccoli
- Carotte – Carrot
- Céleri – Celery
- Champignon – Mushroom
- Chou – Cabbage
- Concombre – Cucumber
- Courgette – Zucchini
- Épinard – Spinach
- Haricot – Bean
- Laitue – Lettuce
- Navet – Turnip
- Oignon – Onion
- Panais – Parsnip
- Poireau – Leek
- Poivron – Pepper
- Pomme de terre – Potato
- Radis – Radish
- Tomate – Tomato
Regional Vegetables in French

France boasts a fascinating agricultural heritage and plenty of distinct growing regions that yield an impressive array of vegetables. Every region in France boasts its unique culinary traditions and specialties. For instance, Brittany is renowned for its delicate artichokes, while the hearty Savoy cabbage of the Alps is a local favorite.
The more you learn about French culture, history, and cuisine, the more you’ll enjoy exploring the country’s regional vegetables in French. If you’re interested in French cuisine or simply want to broaden your horizons, then learning about these local vegetables should help.
Below is a compilation of locally grown vegetables in France, categorized by region.
- Artichaut de Bretagne – Brittany artichoke
- Asperge des Landes – Landes asparagus
- Carotte de sable de Créances – Créances sand carrot
- Cébette du Languedoc – Languedoc scallion
- Chou de Milan – Milan cabbage
- Courgette de Nice – Nice zucchini
- Fenouil de Provence – Provence fennel
- Haricot tarbais – Tarbes beans
- Navet de Pardailhan – Pardailhan turnip
- Oignon de Roscoff – Roscoff onion
- Pomme de terre de l’île de Ré – Île de Ré potato
- Poivron du Pays basque – Basque Country pepper
- Piment d’Espelette – Espelette pepper
- Poireau de Créances – Créances leek
- Tomate de Marmande – Marmande tomato
Exotic Vegetables in French

Acquiring knowledge about uncommon vegetables in French can prove to be beneficial in multiple ways. Not only can it promote communication with French-speaking culinary experts and enthusiasts, but it can also expand your culinary repertoire and introduce you to new and exciting flavors.
Our comprehensive guide features an extensive compilation of exotic vegetables in French, accompanied by their English translations, providing you with a wealth of knowledge on these unique and intriguing produce items.
France boasts a diverse and flavorful culinary heritage, renowned for its emphasis on using only the freshest ingredients.
France’s cuisine is enriched by the diverse range of vegetables available to it, from the tropical climate of Martinique to the distinctive flavors of the Mediterranean. These exotic vegetables not only add vibrancy to French dishes but also infuse them with unique and delicious tastes.
Check out this list of unique and rare vegetables in the French language:
- Acajou – Cashew fruit
- Anone – Custard apple
- Chayote – Chayote squash
- Gombo – Okra
- Ignames – Yams
- Patate douce – Sweet potato
- Poivron doux – Sweet pepper
- Taro – Taro root
- Courge spaghetti – Spaghetti squash
- Haricot azuki – Azuki beans
Learning about unusual veggies in French can diversify your culinary tastes and introduce you to exciting new flavors. If you’re a cook, a foodie, or just interested in learning some new words, this list of unusual veggies in French will come in handy.
French vegetable dishes
Fresh veggies are used exquisitely in a variety of dishes in French cuisine. French vegetable meals are a great joy for the palate, with everything from light and refreshing salads to deep and delicious stews.
A traditional French vegetable meal that is prepared using tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, and bell peppers, along with onions and bell peppers.
Gratin Dauphinois
A great accompaniment to any meal, this dish consists of sliced potatoes cooked in cream and cheese.
A classic beef stew from France that typically includes vegetables such as carrots, leeks, turnips, and onions.
Salade Nicoise
A salad is composed of tuna, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, olives, and eggs that have been hard-boiled, and it is served with a vinaigrette dressing.
Leeks, cream, and Gruyere cheese are the main ingredients in this delicious tart.
A classic fish soup from Marseille that is prepared with a selection of fish and shellfish, tomatoes, onions, and garlic.
A style of pizza that originates in Nice and is topped with onions that have been caramelized anchovies, and olives.
Gratin de Courgettes
This is a casserole consisting of zucchini, cream, and cheese that has been baked.
Quiche Lorraine
A traditional meal from France that is filled with a savory custard composed of eggs, cheese, and either bacon or ham.
Ratatouille Tian
A baked dish with sliced vegetables, similar to ratatouille, is covered with breadcrumbs and cheese before it is baked.
Adjectives for vegetables in French

The following is a list of common adjectives that are used to describe vegetables in French:
- frais(e) – fresh
- cuit(e) – cooked
- cru(e) – raw
- tendre – tender
- croquant(e) – crunchy
- juteux/juteuse – juicy
- amer/amère – bitter
- sucré(e) – sweet
- acide – acidic
- épicé(e) – spicy
- doux/douce – mild
- savoureux/savoureuse – flavorful
- délicieux/délicieuse – delicious
- coloré(e) – colorful
- vitaminé(e) – vitamin-rich
- sain(e) – healthy
- bio – organic
- cultivé(e) – cultivated
- sauvage – wild
- équilibré(e) – balanced.
Here are some tips for using French words for vegetables:
- Learn the gender of the noun
All nouns in French are either masculine or feminine. It’s critical to understand the gender of the vegetal noun to use the proper article (le, la, les) and adjective agreement (masculine/feminine, singular/plural).
- Memorize common vegetable vocabulary
Learn the names and translations of common vegetables in French. This will allow you to converse more successfully when going grocery shopping or ordering food at a restaurant.
- Be aware of regional differences
The same vegetable may be referred to by distinct names across various regions of France. Take eggplant, for instance. While the French refers to it as “aubergine”, the Quebecois have a slight variation and call it “l’aubergine”.
- Use proper pronunciation
French pronunciation can be difficult, so practice saying the vegetable names correctly. To improve your pronunciation, you might use internet resources or language study apps.
- Learn common phrases
Get to know some common words and expressions linked to vegetables, such as “J’aime les légumes” (which translates to “I like vegetables”) or “Je voudrais une salade verte” (which translates to “I would like a green salad”).
- Try new dishes
Indulge in the delectable world of French cuisine, renowned for its exquisite vegetable dishes. Unleash your culinary creativity by experimenting with novel recipes and innovative cooking techniques, and unearth plenty of new vegetables.

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.