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50+ French Travel Quotes To Fuel Your Wanderlust

Are you looking for the best French travel quotes? Here’s a compilation of travel quotes to fuel your wanderlust. 

France is the most visited country in the world. Also branded as the most romantic country on the planet, France has been attracting tourists of all races. Being the global center of culture, fashion, art, and cuisine, it is no wonder it’s able to attract 12.6% of the world’s total number of international tourists as per the United Nations World Tourism Organization

With its oozing charm and class, it’s no surprise France is able to bewitch the great minds to come up with inspirational quotes to romantic love sayings to travel quotes. These French quotes about travels do not only entice people to visit the country, but they also serve as a sneak peek at what this place has to offer. And these travel quotes are good captions for Instagram too!

From the iconic bucket-list tourist attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Nimes Arena, Côte d’Azur, Loire Valley Châteaux, and  Palace of Versailles, to the famous destinations for art enthusiasts like the Musee du Louvre and Musée Picasso, you will never run out of fabulous adventures when in France. 

Whether you prefer a fast-paced city vacation or a relaxing country tour, the country has always something for you. Whether you are there for the culture, the food, the romance, the language, the arts, or the fashion, you will definitely enjoy what you have come for. Plus a whole lot more! 

It offers unlimited possibilities. This must be the reason why a nation that doesn’t even speak the universal language attracts more visitors than other countries.  

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50+ French Travel Quotes To Fuel Your Wanderlust

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Below are some of the most popular travel quotes in French that will definitely spark the wanderlust in you and push you to travel more. 

“Rester, c’est exister. Mais voyager, c’est vivre.” – Gustave Nadaud.

English Translation: “To stay​ in the same place​ is to exist. But to travel is to live.”

“Rien ne développe l’intelligence comme les voyages.” – Émile Zola.

English Translation: “Travel broadens the mind.”

“Il n’y a d’homme plus complet que celui qui a beaucoup voyagé, qui a changé vingt fois la forme de sa pensée et de sa vie.” – Alphonse de Lamartine

English Translation: “There is no man who is more complete than the one who travels a lot. He changed twenty times the way he thinks and his outlook on life.”

“Ce n’est que dans l’aventure que certaines personnes réussissent à se connaître – à se retrouver.” – André Gide

English Translation: “Some people only start knowing themselves, finding themselves, when they start going on an adventure.”

“Ajouter deux lettres à Paris, c’est le paradis.” – Jules Renard

English Translation: “Adding two letters to Paris is paradise.”

“Dans le voyage, il n’y a pas de certitude, seulement de l’aventure.” – Anonymous

English Translation: “When you are traveling, there is no certainty, only the adventure.”

“Le monde est un livre et ceux qui ne voyagent pas n’en lisent qu’une page.”   – Saint Augustin

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English Translation: “The world is a book and those who don’t travel only read one page.”

“N’ayez jamais peur de la vie, n’ayez jamais peur de l’aventure, faites confiance au hasard, à la chance, à la destinée. Partez, allez conquérir d’autres espaces, d’autres espérances. Le reste vous sera donné de surcroît.” – Henry de Monfreid

English Translation: “Don’t ever be afraid of life, don’t ever be afraid of adventure, trust chance, and destiny. Leave, go and conquer other places, other hopes. Everything else will come and it will be even better than you imagined!”


 “Paris est toujours une bonne idée.” – Audrey Hepburn

English translation: “Paris is always a good idea.”

“Le plus beau voyage est celui qu’on n’a pas encore fait.” – Loïck Peyron

English Translation: “The best trip is the one we haven’t taken yet.”

“L’aventure c’est le trésor que l’on découvre à chaque matin.” – Jacques Brel

English Translation: “Adventure is the treasure we discover every morning.”

“On voyage pour changer, non de lieu, mais d’idées.” – Hippolyte Taine

English Translation: “We travel to change, not to change a place, but to change ideas.”

“Un des grands malheurs de la vie moderne, c’est le manque d’imprévu, l’absence d’aventures.”  – Théophile Gauthier

English Translation: “One of the worst misfortunes of modern life is the lack of mishaps, the absence of adventures.”

“Sans l’incertitude l’aventure n’existerait pas.” – Alain Séjourné

English Translation: “Without uncertainty, the adventure wouldn’t exist.”

 “De tous les livres, celui que je préfère est mon passeport, unique in octavo qui ouvre les frontières.” – Alain Borer

English Translation: “Of all the books, my favorite is my passport, the only octavo that opens up borders.”

 “Vis pour voyager et voyage pour vivre.” – Unknown

English Translation: “Live to travel and travel to live.”

“La vérité existe au-delà des montagnes, pour la connaître, il faut voyager.” – Elizabeth Finney

English Translation: “The truth exists beyond the mountains. To find it, one must travel.”

“Tout arrive en France.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

English translation: “Everything happens in France.”

 “La vie est un long champ à cultiver. Voyager, c’est y semer la diversité de la Terre. Voyager, c’est l’embellir des couleurs du monde.” – Jules Lesven

English translation: “Life is a long field to cultivate. To travel is to show the diversity of the Earth. To travel is to beautify it with the colors of the world.”

“Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas.” – Lao-Tseu

English translation: “A journey of a thousand leagues always begins with a first step.”

 “ Voyager c’est découvrir que tout le monde se trompe sur les autres pays.” – Aldous Huxley.

English translation: “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.”

“Voyager rend modeste. Vous voyez quelle petite place vous occupez dans le monde.” – Gustave Flaubert

English translation: “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

 “Voyager – cela vous laisse sans voix, puis vous transforme en conteur.” – Ibn Battuta

English translation: “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

 “Si vous pensez que l’aventure est dangereuse, essayez la routine. Elle est mortelle!” – Paulo Coelho

English translation: “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal!”

 “Nous ne voyageons pas pour échapper à la vie, mais pour que la vie ne nous échappe pas.” – Anonymous

English translation: “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”

“Trouvons un bel endroit pour se perdre.” – Anonymous

English translation: “Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost.”

 “Oh les endroits où vous irez!” – Dr. Seuss

English translation: “Oh, the places you’ll go.”

 “L’homme ne peut découvrir de nouveaux océans tant qu’il n’a pas le courage de perdre de vue la côte.” – André Gide

English translation: “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

“Où que tu ailles, vas-y de tout ton coeur.” – Confucius

English translation: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

 “Si vous avez la chance d’avoir vécu jeune homme à Paris, où que vous alliez pour le reste de votre vie, cela ne vous quitte pas, car Paris est une fête.” – Ernest Hemingway

English translation: “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.”

“Nous aurons toujours Paris.” – Howard Koch

English translation: “We’ll always have Paris.”

 “Tous ceux qui errent ne sont pas perdus.” – John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

English translation: “Not all those who wander are lost.”

“Je n’ai pas encore été partout,mais c’est sur ma liste!” – Susan Sontag

English translation: “I haven’t been everywhere yet, but it’s on my list!”

“Au long aller, peti fardeau pèse.” – Anonymous

English translation: “On a lengthy journey even a small burden weighs.”

“Quiconque ne visite pas Paris, ne deviendra jamais vraiment élégant.” – Honoré de Balzac

English translation: “Whoever does not visit Paris regularly will never really be elegant.”

 “La vérité est au delà des montagnes, pour la trouver il faut voyager!” – French Proverb

English translation: “The truth is beyond the mountains, to find it you have to travel!”

“A veces perderse no es una pérdida de tiempo.”

English translation: “Sometimes getting lost is not a waste of time.”

“Voyager, c’est grandir. C’est la grande aventure. Celle qui laisse des traces dans l’âme. “ – Marc Thiercelin

English translation: “To travel is to grow. This is a great adventure. The one that leaves traces in the soul.”


 “Le vrai voyageur n’a pas de plan établi et n’a pas l’intention d’arriver.” – Lao Tseu 

English translation: “The real traveler has no plan and does not intend to arrive.”

“Je connais mes limites. C’est pourquoi je vais au-delà.” – Serge Gainsbourg

English translation:  “I know my limits. That’s why I go beyond.”

“Je suis né pour écrire des vers.” –  Theophile Gautier

English translation: “I was born to travel and write verse.”

“Les emplois remplissent votre poche, les aventures remplissent votre âme. Une fois par an, allez dans un endroit où vous n’êtes jamais allé auparavant.” – Dalai Lama

English translation: “Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul. Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before.”

“Ma chose préférée à faire est d’aller là où je n’ai jamais été. Le voyage apporte de l’amour et du pouvoir dans votre vie.”  – Anonymous

English translation: “My favorite thing to do is go where I’ve never been. Travel brings love and power into your life.”

“Voyager c’est vivre.” –  Hans Christian Andersen

English translation: “To travel is to live.”

“Celui qui voyagerait avec bonheur devait voyager léger.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 

English translation: “He who would travel happily must travel light.”

If you enjoy these inspirational quotes, check out our list of love quotes, quotes about France and inspirational quotes too!

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